laundry machines size :73*82*42cm. We bought this one Hkd 1996 on 15th Jan 2014.(I have a receipt and instruction) We want to sell this one Hkd300, and if someone need it, needs to self pick-up. Engl

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Woops Workshop 是一所以設計為主的工作室,提供服裝/制服及平面方面的設計服務,以及服裝/制服采購和製造。 我們能為客戶提供︰ 1. 時裝方面的資訊。作為以設計為本的工作室,我們深明服裝趨勢,亦更容易跟客戶設計師溝通; 2. 包攬所有設計方面的工作。客戶能從而集中資源於其他方面; 3. 多元化及多工種服裝製造。自家廠房能操作梳織類、針織類、男/女裝的製造,並且能自行操作繡花、印花、
設計 / 時裝設計Woops Workshop

此外,我們亦為金快達有限公司 (Goldfinder (HK) Ltd.) 的合作夥伴,在提供上述產品服務外,亦有日本及中國之遊戲機、獎品機、彩票機、推幣機等消閒玩樂設施之代理買賣,配合市場需要和客戶業務拓展。
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Most traditional tire shops provide with only tire changing services, a few will carry rims and few accessories as supplement. GOODYEAR realized that today's drivers need more than that, therefore, t

Fitness Centre The Fitness Centre is located in the Annexe building overlooking the carpark. It is fully equipped with cardio equipment ranging from Crosstrainers to treadmills, bikes and a rowing ma
運動及健身 / 會社、組織及團體香港木球會 Hong Kong Cricket Club
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